Wow! It was an amazing day in the pool and the weather was great. Josh, Nate, and I finished our cardboard canoe just in time to race it across the pool.
12 Achievements
- Build a boat to cross the pool
- It has to be able to float one team member across the pool
- Only Cardboard and Duct Tape (staples removed)
- Entire surface covered in Duct Tape
- Must have 3" tall sidewall
- Cardboard and three 60 yard rolls of tape
- Define problem/Brainstorm solutions
- Implied Criteria and Constraints
- Sketch Ideas
- Prototype Ideas
- Select an Approach
- Surface Area
- Build It
- V-bottom
- Balance Master
- Feedback
- How Low Did You Go?
- Stick Through It
1st Achievement
Make a boat that will be able to float 103lbs of Josh.
- Pointed bow
- Wings
- Keel
- V-Bottom
- Support Bars
- Large amount of surface area
- Make it as small as possible
- Flat Bottom
- Make a rudder
- Make a seat
- High Walls
- Make it kind of like a Catamaran
- Kayak
- Make a sail boat
- Rope
- Make it long and skinny so he can lay down
- Make a cover for the bow
- Paddles
- Make a surfboard with 3" walls
- Make a simple box
2nd Achievement
Implied Criteria: It must stay in one piece throughout the course
Implied Constraints: Must fit through the doorway, we have a limited amount of time to construct it, and it has to be large enough to fit one of us.
3rd Achievement- See previous posts for Sketch Ideas
4th Achievement- See previous post for Model
5th Achievement
Approach- A v-bottom design
+It will obtain one of the achievements
Change: Make the bow pointed to help it go smoother through the water
? Will it even stay up or will it roll over right away?
! Some kind of wings for balance
6th Achievement
Surface Area: 60 yards x 1.88 inches x 3 rolls
180 ft x 0.15667 ft x 3 rolls
28 ft squared x 3 rolls
84 ft squared
7th Achievement
I believe we should get this achievement because we did complete all of the criteria. Unfortunately we did not get a picture before we put our boat in the water, and it's understandable if that makes our team invalid for it.
8th Achievement
V-Bottom: We were very proud of our v-bottom, and that we were the only team in our period to do so!
9th Achievement
Balance Master: Under about a foot of water Josh was able to stand in the bottom of our boat for five seconds.
10th Achievement
- Change- More layers of duct tape on the stern
- + It didn't roll over like I expected it to
- ! I think the wings helped a little
- ? Would it had made a difference if we built a keel
- Change- Make the wings longer
- ? If the rope didn't break would it have helped us at all
- ! It wasn't a complete failure
- ? Was it worth taking the risk of it not staying upright
- Change- Make a more sturdy base
- + The extra strip of cardboard on the v-bottom helped it keep it's shape
11th Achievement
How Low Did You Go?
Surprisingly we remained above water for a few minutes. The water that came into the boat came in through the back at the bottom because there was a small hole. Even after it was completely under water it was only a little more than a foot deep. The Surface Area displaced enough water to keep Josh afloat.
12th Achievement
Stick Through It: As a team we faced some challenges on equal work for everybody. I also was absent for a full period and a half which caused us to get behind in work. Even with these problems we stuck together as a team and had a really great time in the pool with our finished boat.