Tuesday, January 29, 2013

TED Part II Week #4

  1. Our group has officially chosen what video we will be using.
  2. We each explained the content of our videos to each other.
  3. Patrick was the lucky person and we decided to use his video.
  4. To prepare for our presentation we will each watch the video on our own after school and take a few notes so we can construct our open ended questions to ask the class.

Monday, January 28, 2013

TED Part I : Week #4 Begins

How art technology and design inform creative leaders

1. The TED organization is about completing their mission of "Ideas Worth Spreading."

2. The purpose of their website is to bring the experience of TED conferences online for anyone to watch. They have a new talk put up every weekday and you can search videos with filters.

3. The topics of most interests to use would be technology, design, and then business. We constantly need to be educated about the technology that surrounds us. Design is important especially in the engineering class we are taking, designing is a crucial part to making something.  Business is also important because if you want to get a job in a company being able to understand business might make you look more educated and qualified.

4. Three videos that relate to question 3: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes, How great leaders inspire actions, and Why architects need to use their ears. The first choice kind of shows if you take aside a few minutes and observe greatly it might be beneficial. The second video is because great leaders influence us to become better problem solvers. The last one's tittle is what really speaks to me, I believe in many jobs it is necessary to use as many senses you are able too.


  • MIT- learned a lot about computers
  • Art school- he made a human computer: People play the different parts of the computer
  • How to intertwine and connect teachnology, design, art, and leadership
    • We are stuck in a loop of technology
  • Difference between content and form design: "Fear"
    • Content of this word is the definition, how it makes someone feel, and how it is spelled
    • Form is the font, the size, the color, the position on the page
    • Form can change the some of the content by changing the appearance (when the font is big it stands out makes you notice the words meaning, but if its font is funny the meaning can be so much less to you)
  • Art: is about asking questions
    • Sometimes doing something the old way is better than new ways (at an art school the students can not draw from pictures, they even use animals that have died and been stuffed). This is an example of how now many people use photographs or 3D graphics
  • "Old" combined with "New" makes "Good"
  • Leadership: is about asking a lot of questions because we aren't so simple anymore
    • Traditional Leaders: love to avoid mistakes, and  want to be right
    • Creative Leaders: loves to learn from mistakes, and hope to be right
  • Leaders connect improbable connections and hope something will happen
  • Powershop- is kind of like a brainstorm chart
    • A CEO starts in the middle and are connected by lines to different branches in the company and each point representing a branch is red(poor) or green(good) to show how they're doing. Then you can click on those points and they expand to more lines connecting other little departments inside those. If one of those is clicked it opens up more lines connecting people to the branches. Some of those people will have lines connected to other branches and departments.
    • When you are viewing the people you can look at the relations you have with them (when you have called, emailed, texted, or went out to coffee).
  • These things can help leaders create better connections or different ways to lead better.
6. You can get involved with this by letting yourself experiencce these three concepts and try to add them to the way you are a leader. I think you would only need to open yourself up to learn in other areas and then work on combining these new things to the way to lead.

Minecraft-Architecture Challenge- The end of Week #3

Wow! Learning how to use Minecraft is so much fun. It has taken some time, but I have finally gotten used to the main logistics to know. Luckily I have a group that is very supportive and helpful. As a team we decided to construct an architectural structure based on Frank Lloyd Wright. I chose to build something with his most famous project the Falling Water. Here are some screenshots of my house:

Friday, January 18, 2013

Minecraft: Week 3

Week #3 began with the introduction to Minecraft. Logins were given to everyone and the games began. I thought teamwork was crucial for me because it was really confusing to me at first because I didn't have any experience with it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Week #2 Architects Assignment #1

Video Notes: Notable Architects

Van der Rohe
          - used stone, steal, glass
          - allowed light into his structures
           - 50-60 years ago
Shin Takamatsu
          - original
          - xxertiors are powerful and look like mechanical engines
          - Japenese
Andrea Palladio
          - Italian Renasaince
          - symmetry and proportion
          - clarity
          - Greek and Roman style
Etienne Louis Boulee
          - Greeks and Romans
          - symmetry
          - organization
          - visionary
          - beggining of modernism
          - 18th Century
Le Corbusier (1887-1965)
         - unconventional
         - rethinking everything about standard ideas
         - used concrete
Frank Furness (1839-1912)
         - pioneered Victorian ideas
         - made different ideas
         - a lot of his work was demolished
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959)
         - over 1000 commisions
         - organic and detail
Antoni Gaudi (1852-1926)
         - Spanish
         - didn't use traditional lines or forms
         - botanical and geological relations (nature)
Tadao Ando (1950-present)
         - work was bold, serious, thoughtful, and detailed
         - used water, concrete, and light
Coop Himmelbau- group of people
         - deconstructionism- building looks as if taken apart and reassembled incorrectly
         - unique projects
         - very influential

My Favorite Architects:
  1. Frank Flloyd Wright- I really like the architecture he mixes in with nature, especially the low houses by the waterfalls and surrounded by trees.
  2. Van der Rohe- I like how modern his project look and the amount of glass he uses makes it look very welcoming to me.
  3. Coop Himmelbau- The whole deconstruction idea is brilliant to me, it is a strange concept, but it looks great. I would love to work in some of the buildings they have built over the years.

Week #1 Reflection

Week #1: Leadership Assignment #2

Leadership 101:
Who is a leader?
         Strong influence, good speaker, with hardwork everyone can be a leader in a way
Personal Leadership Circles
  1. Me
  2. My sister: she has always been there for me
  3. Brett: I influence him by teaching him things that he can do instead of getting into trouble
  4. Ms. E.: When I was in the hospital she was the person who made me realize I wanted to live
  5. Mr. Guy: He was from the hospital and helped me get my life back on track
  6. Stephen Donaldson: An activist- 1st person to fight the military discharge for being a gay
  7. Uzi Even: Gay rights activist from Israel
  8. Golda Meir: Israeli Prime Minister, teacher, and very influencial

Week #1: Leadership Assignment #1

Video Notes: Design Thinking
  • Iterative design process-brainstorming
  • Uses more than one mind (team work)
  • Watch consumers to find out how to make something better (empathy)
  • The ability to figure out how to do something even if the task seems impossible
  • Test things out to see if they work
Leadership Stool
  1. DIRECTION: Goals and Visions
  2. ALIGNMENT: How to accomplish them
  3. COMMITMENT: What are you willing to do

A New Beggining

It is officially Semester 2!!! It is not only a fresh start for grades, but it is an open door to switch gears in classes. In Engineering Design we are starting a new way of learning and working with others. We have put ourselves in groups of 5, and we pick one person to be the leader. The leader changes week to week, and is their to put the group in motion to accomplish goals and assignments. At the end of each week we all fill out a self and group reflection to turn in.

Linear Dimensions

Knowing how to label measurements on construction plans or sketches of part is important so that others who look at them will know exactly what sizes to make the pieces.

English and Metric Linear Measurement

Being able to convert English measurements to or from Metric measurements is crucial when working with people from other countries or other companies depending on what system is being used. Another important thing is being able to read a precise number from the tool you are using to measure something

History of Measurement

Measurement is very important in our worl especially with technical jobs. Today we have high tech ways to measure things, but in the past people used things as simple as our own bodies.