Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Activity 3.1.6 Opened and Closed Loop Systems

Activity Part I
  1. Build the support system and track
  2. Add the motor and gearbox to the track and then wire the motor
  3. Write a program that will shuttle the motor back and forth 1.5 seconds each way 20 times

Activity Part II
  1. Place a mini switch on both ends of the support system and track. Wire the switches to I1 and I2. 
  2. Write a program that will shuttle the motor back and forth five times based on feedback from when the switches are pressed.

Activity Part III
  1. Remove the mini switches. Add the smaller building blocks to the ends of the gearbox and motor. Use the larger building blocks to create extensions from the track on each end. Add covered lamps to the extensions using smaller building blocks on one side of the track. Using the same attachment method, place a phototransistor across from one lamp and a photocell across from the other.
  2. Write a program that will shuttle the motor back and forth five times using the phototransistor and photocell for feedback.

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